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  • What family that cleans out their closet does not find skeletons? If you are one I want you to email me and let me know because you will be the first. Even the most prominent ones are full of skulls and bones. My family is no exception.

    I have truly enjoyed this site of mine. Yes my family tree is full of nuts along with demons, criminals, murderers, child molesters, and now I just found out last night thanks to Dee one of the ladies that found me due to this site , I now have a wife abuser/murderer by starvation.  I tell you I never could run for political office. If they dug up my life along with the lives of the ancestors before me.. we will just say “I have too much dirty laundry.”

    Dee sent me the link to the following articles.  You see my maternal Grandfather was Roy Fitzpatrick. Roy was the son of Arthur Eugene Fitzpatrick. Arthur was the son of Jane Joiner Fitzpatrick and William Fitzpatrick. Sometimes listed as John . Possibly in some records he could be John William.  They were from the Athens, Georgia area. Here are the articles taken from The Southern Banner.  A big thank you to Dee for sending these to me.

    The Southern Banner   Athens, Ga  September 6, 1881

    Starved To Death

    It sounds strange in this land of plenty to hear that anyone has died for the actual necessaries of life. And yet a coroner’s jury impaneled to inquire into the cause of the death of Mrs. Jane Fitzpatrick which occurred Saturday evening, in this city says that she died from disease brought on by starvation.

    Mrs. Fitzpatrick was the wife of John Fitzpatrick, whom we only know from the evidence given to the jury, but judging from this, he is a man, who scarcely possesses a human heart, so brutal and abandoned does it make him appear.

    The family lived on Bridge Street near the river. From the testimony of the several witnesses worn we get these facts: John Fitzpatrick had failed or refused his wife with anything to eat for several weeks, and she being in a feeble condition had been compelled to beg for such things she could eat. Mr. Wiley F. Hood had supplied on her several occassions, knowing that he could not hope to get any pay from Fitzpatrick.

    Mrs. Fitzpatrick had one a little sewing for a lady in the city and with the little money she got for this had managed to subsist, until she finally became too sick and weak to work at all. All of this time her husband treated her in the brutal manner, and not only  failed to supply any thing to eat but required her to cook and work for him while she was very sick.

    He also refused to see a doctor about her and even the night before she died he sat on the bed and cursed her and said she ought to die. The neighbors helped her occasionally, but their ministrations came too late.

    Dr. J.M. Carlton who saw her said she had contracted intermittent fever and that he prescribed for her, but it was shown that she never received the medicine, her husband refusing to give it to her.

    She drank a considerable amount of water on Friday night and it is thought, congestion was produced. Her death occurred late Saturday evening.

    Then the paper went on to say they would have more to say of this matter tomorrow and will give some of the testimony. It is certainly one of the most horrid affairs that ever occured in this city.

    SOUTHERN BANNER   September 13, 1881

    The circumstances attending the death of Mrs. Jane Fitzpatrick to which allusion was made in the Banner yesterday, were of so unusual and distressing a character that we extract a little of the testimony given before the Coroner’s jury in order that our readers may see how pitiable a condition a woman can be placed in this enlightened country. The inhumanity of the husband is something beyond comprehension.

    Mr. Wiley F. Hood said that the deceased had nothing to eat that a sick woman would want, except a chicken, for several weeks. Six or eight weeks ago she came to him for provisions and got them. She said that Mr. Fitzpatrick had promised her some money but Mr. Hood did not expect to get pay. He knew she was suffering for something to eat. All she had worked for and bought herself.

    In his judgement if she had a physician with her at first she would not have died and that a lack of treatment and nourishment was the cause of her death. On several occasions he had furnished her with meal, meat and coffee, she telling him she was sewing for a lady in town and would pay him. She said Mr. Fitzpatrick would do nothing for her. Fitzpatrick had abused her by cursing her, but he had never heard of his striking her. She had been suffering for two months.

    Dr. J.M. Carlton said he saw her a short time since and found she had intermittent fever. He offered to send her medicine but she did not send for it. He did not think her case dangerous when he saw her.

    On the night before her death her husband said she had taken a large draught of water. I prescribed her a bath in hot whiskey and some anodyne powders but do not know that they were administered. The water might have caused congestion.

    Mrs. John Cain said Mrs. Fitzpatrick drank four dippers full of water. Her husband, after much persuasion went to the doctor but brought no medicine back. He told his wife she was a fool and ought to die, and abused her. She was given a hot red pepper bath.

    Mrs. Mattie Flournoy said when she heard Mrs. F  was sick she carried her some butter, bread and coffee. The latter said it was too late, but if she had such food sooner it would have done her good. Mr. F came in and sat on the bed and said that food was enough to kill a well person much less a sick person. Mr. F. told him she was unable to cook and had nothing to cook. He said he was NOT beholden to her or any other damned women. He could get his own breakfast. Mrs. F. said she was unable to work and her husband would not assist her.

    Beck Hale (colored) said she had heard Fitzpatrick curse his wife several times. One time she asked him to put her on the bed and he said, “God D*** you , You shall go to sleep, and it is a pity you can’t sleep forever.”

    Mr. V Lemon said that she head Mrs. F say she had suffered for food and that Mr. Hood had furnished all she had for some time.


    Georgia, Clarke County

    We, the jury of inquest empanelled and sworn to inquire into the death of Mrs. Jane Fitzpatrick deceased, find from the evidence adduced that she came to her death for want of the necessities of life which were failed to be furnished by her husband William Fitzpatrick, and on account of congestion of the lungs, produced by drinking large amounts of water while suffering from intermittent fever.

    EJ Christy  Foreman

    Ph Wright, J.S. Barnwell, Charles Muse, M. Hodges, WA Wilson, W McKinnon, WS Cranford, F. Walls, WM Peeler, WA Fowler, WM Tolbert, WD Christy  G A H Jennings , Coroner.

    SOUTHERN BANNER     September 20, 1881

    Gainesville Southern

    We learn from our Athens contemporaries that William Fitzpatrick starved his wife, Jane Fitzpatrick to death last week, and actually sat upon her bedside and cursed while dying from starvation, neglect and other cruelties at his hands. We hope it is unnecessary to advise our Athens friends what to do with such a man. The Oconee river runs so close to the city, and cord and rocks are so plentiful!


    Yesterday afternoon the infant child of William Fitzpatrick was buried. It will be remembered that we published the account of his mother’s wretched death a few weeks ago and now the little thing only ten months old, has gone to be with that mother again and thus escaped much sorrow and misery.


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  • Here is some miscellaneous information I have on Samuel Beshett Chesser and Samuel George Chesser in 1850

    1850 U.S. Census, Lincoln County, 1st Subdivision, Tennessee PG 145

    Roll 887, Population Schedule, October 3, 1950, 546/546

    Chesser, Samuel, age 46 M/W  Farmer, NC

    Chesser, Nancy, age 44 F/W, TN Over age of 20 and cannot read or write

    Chesser, William, age 21, M/W TN Over age of 20 and can not read or write

    Chesser, Dolly Ann, age 18 ( difficult to read her age so this may not be correct.) F/W born AL

    Chesser, Charles, age 15 M/W AL Attended school within the year.

    Chesser, John, age 13 M/W, AL Attended school within the year.

    Chesser, Lydia, age 11, F/W, AL Attended school within the year.

    Chesser, Nancy, age 9 F/w AL

    Chesser, Louisa(difficult to read name) age 5, TN


    1850 Census, Lincoln County, District 11, Tennessee, PG 138 Popular Schedule, September 25, 1850  464/464

    Chesser, S.B. age 32, M/W/, TN

    Chesser, ___th___(difficult to read) And this would be Martha..  Age 23, F/W TN

    Chesser, James, age 2 M/W TN



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  • I received this 2000 from a man in Florence, SC.

    Most of my stuff came from Mary Harrigan in the late 80’s. By chance, she lived only two blocks from where I grew up in Springfield, Delaware County during the 50’s and 60’s. I had a relative in the area that whole time and did not know it.

    Abraham VanZandt

    He was the first elected sheriff of Delaware, Co, PA. Republican ticket 16 November 1863.

    Death notice spells Vanzant. When I was young name was spelled this way. After WWII my uncle decided it should be spelled Vanzandt. Apparently there was some research then.

    John of Clifton Heights number 2 child of Abraham decendants still use Van Zant.

    Abraham’s family must have lived in the Rockdale Aston area where John P. Crozier had mills.

    Family history states Abraham set up No. 1 Mill in Upland. The dates agree.

    The first Upland Public Grammar School established 1853 – 1856 in house on N.S. Street next to Caleb Pusey House on the West commenced 4 May 1853.  A. Williams, Instructor.

    March 1854 Abraham Rowland Vanzant, Jane, Eliza Louisa, Emeline were students during March, June, July and August. Went to Cartersville School, Chester, Twp, before 1854  Page 139 April 1861. Rowland’s last day in school. 1858 Emeline, Louisa Vanzant move away. “Sad to lose good scholars.”

    1863 Elected Sheriff Delaware County for 2 years. Del Co Republican notes V 39 pg 26  118-129 then he was manager of Osborn Levis Mills, Upper Darby Pa. Many year and he was very prosperous.

    1876 his last public appearance. Read the Declaration of Independance at Flag Raising Centennial Celebration. 1888 assessor at time of his death. 28th Ward. He died of pneumonia.

    Member of Leiperville Lodge IOOF Harrisburg, PA  All records lost in Flood Agnes 1972.

    Lay preacher Methodist Church. Superintendent of Sunday School in Avondale. Jan.. Sunday School established by Mr. Sam Leiper.

    Abraham had been a member of Madison Street Methodist Church, Chester , Pa. All records were destroyed and words added BAD BLOOD.. Abraham most likely got involved with a female church member.

    Mary Ann his wife is reported to have a very bad temper.

    Abraham was buried from Son George Rice Vanzant’s house 8th and Church Streets Upland, PA then from Church. Ministers from Upland Methodist and Trinity Methodist in attendance as were the members from the Lodge.



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  • Here are the other Verlenden children and their spouses. Unfortunately  the person that gave me this information did not include dates. I do not know, for instance if John was born before Elizabeth or after. But here goes:

    John and Elizabeth Wood Verlenden – m 1809 Cecil Co. MD

    Children:  MaryAnne ( you already have her information)

    John Verlenden married Anna Elizabeth ? and their children were Enos, Elizabeth, William Lane, Samuel, Charles, Harriett, Edith.

    Enos Verlin married Anna Elizabeth ? and their children were Sarah, John, Mary Adeline, Elizabeth.

    Sarah Verlenden married Simon Van Sant (Could this be right?)

    Louisa Verlenden m Martin Famday and their children were Miles, John, Margaret William, Sarah, Morris, Mary Louisa, George, and Simian.

    Susannah Verlenden m Dennis Quinn and their children were Edward, Mary, Elizabeth, John, Hannah, Thomas, martha, Susan (Susie).

    Adeline Verlenden m Barney O’Neill and their children were John, James, Adeline.

    Simian Verlenden m Samuel Lord and their children were Mary Anne, Sarah, John, Simian, Adeline, Rufus, Josaphine, Aileen.

    Martha Verlenden m John Yates and their children were Enos, Sarah, Susan, John, Simian, George, James, Martha.

    Elizabeth Verlenden was born 1813  she married Josual Heaps (1839 in Marcus Hooks) children were Alonzo, born 1846, Annie O. Born 1849, Adeline born 1850, Harriett born 1855 and Susanna. Also there was an Anna that must have died young.

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  • I received this email from someone 9/11/01


    Where did you find me? on Genforum?

    We are not sure about the Buck’s County line (Pennsylvania) But most believe that it is the line that Garrett Van Zandt found in Mecklenburg, NC in 1765 Deed descended from. I believe that most believe that Albertus Van Zandt was his father or grandfather.

    In studying my Alexanders who originated in New Munster, Cecil County, Maryland which is up on the northern border with Delaware and Pennsylvania, I find some land that my Alexanders bought in 1714 and next to it is land that Cornelius Van Zandt and Johannes Van Zandt bought. My Alexanders migrated to Meckenburg in 1750 and most all that family migrated there as well.

    Do you have that on the Buck’s County Van Zandts? It mentions the fact that some sone of Garrett Stoeffelese bought land in New Munster.


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  • I have 25 years worth of genealogy records in boxes. Some I know pertain to my family and some I am not sure.  I am about to start posting correspondence and just miscellanous notes here whether they are my family or a family I am not sure about.

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  • I am looking for information on Martha Elizabeth “Mattie” Epps who married James Young and then he died and she married Arnold Shearl who died 18 January 1947 in Centre, AL

    Mattie died 10 May 1945 in Centre, Al

    She and James Young had a daughter Othelia Samantha Young who was born in 1905 and died 1990.  I am sorry I am just finding that out. I would have loved to have met her. This was my Grandfather Samuel Huey Epps niece. Othelia married William Hopkins and they had June Laurette Hopkins 1923-1976  Billie Doyle Hopkins who married Harold Laddie Akins. Billie was born April 29,1929 and died June 14, 1993.   Son William Michael Hopkins who was born August 19, 1943 and died 1972 in Germany.

    Anyone of these families please contact me at


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  • 1880 Census Pennsylvania, Upland, Delaware Co, PA

    Looking for any information on my Gr Gr Grandfather

    Thomas Cohen  Age 48  Place of Birth, Ireland, parents place of birth, Ireland

    Catherine  Wife  Age 44  Place of Birth Ireland, parents place of birth, Ireland

    Children of this union and they all were born in Pennsylvania

    William T.  Age 23

    Lizzie    Age 21

    James  Age 19

    Robert  Age 16

    John  Age 13

    Henry  Age 10

    Maggie 8  She was my great grandmother and she was Margaret Jane

    Noble  Age 6

    Alfred  Age 2


    Please contact me at  with Cowan in the subject.

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    I found this today. It is a very clear newspaper article. Not blurry like most.

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