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  • I am going to be going through ALL my data I have collected over the years and if any of you see anything that you can help out with or that you may need please feel free to contact me at   Be sure to put VZ Genealogy in the subject.

    Willis Kay Vanzant or VanZandt son of George Rice Vanzant and Ann Kay Vanzant .  “Uncle Willie”  Rena V. Burns said when asked by Miss Ells Rhodeback, 5th Grade teacher in Upland, PA school where Alabama was. She answered “in the South because that is where Uncle Willie lives.  She was humiliated by the teacher!

    Willis Kay or William Kay Vanzant as I sometimes see it was my Great Grandfather.

    A letter from Signe Cowan who was Mrs. Fred Cowan 14 Jan 1977   “in folder George Rice Vanzant has Ann Vanzant died 30 Nov 1897, 63 years (b 1834 England)  small bible name Edward Kay given to him by mis Nanny Blakeley 24 May 1852. Letter as regards to his death as a soldier who was true to his country and to the UNION.

    Book of Common Prayer presented to Miss Ann Crowthers by her companion Alice Herrod and Mary Matley on the eve of leaving her native country for America.

    Also there was a picture of Willis K. VanZant , Anniston, AL 17 July 1917

    November 1984 Howard C. Vanzandt said George Rice VZ Lived with Mary Alice Moore Vanzandt after George Albert her husband, died leaving her with young children. He later went to Old Soldiers Home, VA where he died 9 Jan 1918.



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  • George Rice VanZant

    This was taken from the Philadelphia Inquirer, November 19, 1912

    Chester Veteran, Mourned As Dead, Returns Home.

    Chester, PA  Nov 18, 1912

    When George Rice VanZant, of Upland, walked into the headquarters of Wilde Post, Grand Army of the Republic, in this city this morning he found a large memorial card announcing that “Comrade George R. VanZant had answered the last roll call.”

    The post flag on top of the building had been placed at half staff, in respect to the memory of “the late George R. VanZant, Comrade of Wilde Post.”

    Arthur Martin, member of the Board of Poor Directors of Delaware County, who is a member of Wilde Post had ordered the charter draper ‘in memory of the deceased Comrade VanZant.”

    Martin met VanZant on the street this morning and nearly collapsed when he came face to face with the man whose body he understood was being brought on from Michigan, where VanZant’s death was reported to have occurred.

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  • Thanks to Lauren for this info.. Goodness I hope I said her name right!

    I,  George R. Vanzant, hereby make this my last will and testament, as follows:-

    First.    I order and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid by my executor, hereinafter named, as soon as conveniently can be after my decease.

    Item.    I hereby direct my executor to set apart the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), for the purpose of defraying the funeral expenses of my daughter, Anetta Vanzant, if she should survive me.

    Item.    All the rest residue and remainder of my estate I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter, Hannah Cowan, wife of Fred Cowan.

                  I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my friend, Josiah Smith, to be the Executor of this my last will and testament.

    In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of April, 1912.


    Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above-named testator as and for his last will and testament, in our presence, who, in his presence, and in the presence of each other, and at his reuest, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

    James A. Hodge

    Bella M. Carroll

    July 31, 1914, as a codicil to this my will I hereby give and will to my son Harry Vanzant my gold watch chain and churn. Witness by my hand and seal.


    Signed , sealed, published and recorded as a codicil to my last will and testament in person who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed and names as witensses.

    B.M. Carroll

    (I typed the last two paragraphs as well as I could.. it was very hard to read.)

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  • George R. Rice Military History

    Time and Place of each enlistment:

            September 12, 1864   Media, Pennsylvania


           2nd Lieutenant

    Company and Regiment:

           203 PA Infantry

    Time and Place of Discharge:

           June 22 1865, Ralleigh, NC

    Cause of Discharge:

           Muster Out

    Disabilities When Admitted to the Home:

          Arterio Sclerosis, Kyphosis Senility, Varicose Ulcer Right Leg.


    Where Born:


    Age 81,      Height 5’10”,      Complexion, Dark,      Eyes Blue,      Hair Grey,      Read and Write Yes,      Religion, Prot.      Occupation ( Can’t determine on the paper) Residence Subsequent to Discharge, Pennsylvania,     Married or Single, Widowed,       Name and Address of Nearest Relative, Harry Vanzant, Son, Upland, PA


    Rate of Pension  $24.00

    Date of Admission  Re-Admission and Transfer:  1st Admission June 2, 1915

    Date of Death:  January 9, 1918

    Cause of Death:  Mitral Insufficiency


    Papers  ADMISSION PAPER:  G.B. Patrick


    EFFECTS:    Cash $7.00    Pension Money  $106.00

    Body Shipped to:  Chester Pa January 10,  1918

    Personal Effect Disposed to Josiah Smith, Executor, Chester, PA

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    I am typing this just as it was written.
    The property of
    LT. George Rice VanZandt
    Upland, Delaware County, Pennsylvania
    George Rice Vanzandt
    2nd Lt.. Co. B. 203rd P.A.
    Vol R.P. Vol.
    December 7, 1864
    We left camp in front of Richmond about 5 o’clock in the afternoon having rained very hard in the forenoon the roads were very muddy. We marched to Point of Rocks on the Apamaticks where we arrived about 2 o’clock in the morning – halted until daylight, December 8th marched to Bermuda 100 there took the transport IDAHO for fortress Monroe where we arrived about on o’clock.. Dropped anchor in the Rhoads layed there until the afternoon of the 10th of December, the sea being very rough making a great many of the men sick. While ashore I went into the fort after getting the rations aboard we steamed out into the stream where we are now staying.
    December 11, 1864
    This morning was very calm and continued so until afternoon about five o’clock when it commenced to be windy and continued increasing into a heavy gale, freezing very hard. About 1 o’clock in the morning of the 12th of December a large schooner tangled her cable acrossed ours and had to slip it to get away just as she let go an another Schooner came broad side up against out bow staving a hole in the Schooner’s side She made fast to our boat until about 9’oclock in the morning when she was towed away by a tug. The sea was very heavy all day Orders came to put 2 company’s on board the Transport Rolic. We raised anchor steamed to her, troops getting aboard. We steamed back to our old anchorage where we lay until 3 o’clock in the morning of the 13th when we raised anchor and steamed out of the bay and around into the Potomac. Went up as far as Seivil or Seurl Point where we turned about and sailed down to Cherry Point Light House where we dropped anchor until 9 o’clock in the morning of the 14th when we raised anchor steamed the River passing Charles Point Light House about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Steamed out into the Atlantic Ocean sailed all night passed Cape Hatres daylight in the morning of the 15th continued on our course until we got opposite Wilmington, North Carolina where we stopped, floating about on the ocean.
    December 16, 1864
    The 16th still floating opposite Wilmington N.C. 17th Still floating opposite Wilmington 18th still floating opposite Wilmington, 19th Still floating opposite Wilmington. December 20th ran short of coal and water – ordered into Beaufort to get a fresh supply. Arrived opposite Beaufort about 8 o’clock at night dropped anchor for the night, the sea very rough
    December 21, 1864
    21st December daylight raised anchor signaled for a Pilot-one came and we steamed into the harbor between Morehead City and Beaufort, Fort Makin is at the south of this stream. A very fine Fort mounting some 40 or 50 guns. It is night and the men are buy putting coal out of the Schooner into our ship.
    December 22, 1864
    22nd December . Today I with several other officers were ashore in a small boat- went up to Morehead City which is about 1 mile from the landing, bout some bread at hospital. Came back took dinner at an eating saloon by the landing, after dinner Capt. Brook McCuen, Cook, Lt. Duncan Mulheran and myself went over to Beaufort in a sale (or small) boat which is almost three miles stayed until about half past four when we came back to the ship. The sea was very rough coming back. The weather calm and cold.
    December 23rd 1864
    Today the weather was clear and pleasant, went to Morehead City had a very pleasant time. Capt. McCuen, Capt. Smallwood and Sergt. Dick went for a small scow. Took it out along the each, filled it wth oysters, brought them to the ship. The boys had a fine sport with them. Had some stew for my supper.
    December 24, 1864
    Today clear and cold everything passing off very agreeably about 2 o’clock in the afternoon raised anchor and put to sea. Arrived opposite Cape Fear Inlet where we are ordered to stop about 2 o’clock being Christmas Eve. We had very jolly time, singing, drinking b——— —- and good draft ale.


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