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  • Granny Do You Know You are 103??

    Birthday Cake

    Happy Birthday Sadie Mae Taylor Fitzpatrick. You would be 103!

    Happy Birthday Granny. I love you so much and we all miss you.

    Granny was a character, she was a very loving person but then on the opposite hand she would grab up a fly swatter and get you or pinch a plug out of you if you did not act right. She did not play.

    If Granny were alive she would be here living in my home today and we would be getting ready to celebrate her 103 birthday. No doubt in my mind she would be cantankerous but I would not care. I would love her anyway. I was with her from birth until I was 13 and she left going to her new home. Heaven. I do not know if they celebrate in Heaven birthday’s but I bet she is having a better time than she would be here on earth.

    I love you and miss you and here are some pictures in your honor.

    Happy Birthday Granny!!!

    Sadie was 6 months old here. I have this picture and it is printed on cardboard. I keep it put up in a closet because I do not want it to fade. I need to get someone to do a drawing of this picture or portrait so I can keep it forever.

    Here is where I inherited my love for the beach, especially Panama City Beach, FL and the water minus the bathing cap! Do they make those anymore? She has her Brownie camera in her hand ready to snap.

    She and Pop always participated in fun things. Our town Piedmont, AL had a Bicentennial in the 60?s and we all had these neat dresses to wear. Granny made ours. I still have her sewing machine.

    She did not mind being in photo’s. This one was with her daughter Aunt Marion of course me.

    She loved being in her “bed clothes” as much as I do now. Those are my favorite things to wear daily.

    She knew about kids. I did not inherit that from her. All I know how to do is look at them.

    She was very stylish! This is one of my favorite pictures. Granny holding her with Pop and Mother. She even had her nails painted. She was something else.

    It did not do a bit of good to say “Say Cheese and DONT BLINK!” Granny would blink everytime!

    Here she is with Pop, me, and her son Uncle Joke. Someone must have slipped up on her and took this because this time she did not blink.

    She loved to travel. Notice the Brownie camera . I wish I had that camera today. Pop worked at Goodyear in Gadsden, AL sometimes on the second shift. He would call home collect and tell Granny he had a weeks vacation to be ready when he got home at Midnight that we , notice I said WE were leaving out at midnight headed to Panama City Beach FL for a week. There have been many a nights I have slept in the back seat of the car headed to the beach. We usually went two or three times a year. She never fussed about having to get up and get ready. She would put the newspaper down or book she was reading and go pack and be ready to head out when he got home. Back there there were no interstates. You would either go down Highway 231 or 331. I would wake up and say “Are we there yet?” They would laugh and Pop would say “No but we are in Opp, Alabama.. That is POP spelled wrong.” I would laugh and go back to sleep. I had a great time with them.

    Happy 103 Sadie Mae Taylor Fitzpatrick, a country woman from Piedmont, Alabama. There is never a day that has gone by in my life that I have not thought about you. You had to be the greatest Grandmother on earth. I sure wish you were still here today sitting here on my couch being cantankerous. I’d bake you a cake, make you homemade vanilla icecream and let you eat it with your saltine crackers until your head hurt and you had to tie a rag around it!

    Granny would make homemade vanilla ice cream in one of those freezers you had to turn. She loved to eat it with saltine crackers and we’d look and she would have a rag tied around her head. She would be eating it so fast her temperature would drop and she’d get a “cream” freeze as she called it.

    Gosh I love that woman!

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    Published on July 1, 2011 · Filed under: Sadie Mae Taylor Fitzpatrick;
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