Stone Cemetery, Belleville, TN
This cemetery is in the yard of my Gr Gr Gr Great Grandfather Larry Epps and Elizabeth Creighton Epps old home place.
John William Cole (Father in law to Hugh Epps and father to Elizabeth Cole Epps)
August 17, 1795 – June 10, 1844
Nancy Graves Cole wife of John Cole
September 9, 1796 – April 24, 1870
E.C. Cole daughter of Edgar Anderson Cole and Lucy Easter Cummings Cole
July 21, 1873 – Nov 13, 1875
Mary E. Cole, Daughter of Frank M. Cole and Delila Ellis Cole
January 28, 1871 – December 11, 1871
H.M. Epps ( My Gr Gr Grandfather) Hugh Montgomery Epps father of Hiram Thomas Epps my Gr Grandfather
May 4, 1821 – Dec 9, 1877
Hopey J. Epps
January 16, 1853 – September 21, 1867
Luther C. Prosser son of Mark Prosser and Louisa Jane Leftwich
March 7, 1855 – July 6, 1895
J.M. Sherwood son of J.W. and M.C. Sherwood
July 25, 1853 -Mar 28, 1885
Mary wife of John Whitworth
April 9, 1805 – July 25, 1879
Mary F. Whitworth daughter of H.C. and Elizabeth Brotherton Whitworth
Dec 9, 1873 – Dec 4, 1881
Mary_______ this stone was broken
1856-1885 Do not have a clue what Mary this was.
Published on October 26, 2013 · Filed under: Epps Gravestones, TN;