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  • Descendants of Alfred Jackson.

    Descendants of Alfred Jackson   from the notes of Lee Cagle, Oklahoma City, OK.
    Alfred Jackson was born about 1832 in Georgia. He died between 1861-1865 in Tennessee (Civil War Casualty.)  He married Jane ____ about 1854. She was born about 1832 in Georgia.
    Notes for Alfred Jackson:  He was killed in the Civil war in Tennessee.
    His burial place is unknown.  He is listed on the 1860 Calhoun County, Alabama census with wife Jane and 3 children
    They married about 1854
    Children of Alfred Jackson and Jane are:
    1. Cynthia Jackson, Born 1855 in Calhoun County, Alabama
    Cynthia was missed in the 1860 Census of Calhoun County, Alabama Her mother and father were listed as well as her siblings. Must have been a census taker mistake. She is listed with her mother, siblings, and a stepfather, Jasper Hicks on the 1870 Census of Cleburne County, Alabama at age 15.
    2.  Mary E. Jackson born about 1856 in Calhoun County, Alabama.
    in the 1860 Calhoun County, Alabama census she was listed as 4 years old.
    3.  Thomas Marion Jackson, born about 1858 in Calhoun County, Alabama
    1860 Census, Calhoun County, Alabama listed with father age 2 years.
    1870 Census, Cleburne County, Alabama listed with step father , and Thomas is 12 years old.
    4.  James Alfred Jackson, born 1859 in Calhoun County, Alabama
    1860 Census he was listed as 8 months old with his father.
    5.  Millard Fillmore Jackson, born about 1861 in Alabama, died July 1934 in Oklahoma or Texas.
    Notes on Millard Fillmore Jackson
    Millard Fillmore Jackson son of Alfred Jackson was born about 1861 in Alabama and died July 1934 in Oklahoma or Texas. He married Mary Frances Williams about 1876 in Ft. Payne, Dekalb County, Alabama, daughter of James Williams and Sara Jones. She was born 20 May 1859 in Carroll County, GA and died 14 October 1904 in Ft. Payne, Dekalb County, Alabama. He married Mattie Miller 15 July 1892 in Montague County, Texas, daughter of Madison Miller and Louisa Teakell. She was born October 1877 in Montague Co. Texas.
    Notes for Millard Fillmore Jackson:
    Millard is listed on the 1870 Census of Cleburne county, Al with his siblings and mother listed under his step-father Jasper Hicks, Missing from this is Mary E. who would have been 14 years of age and James Alfred who would have been 10 years of age
    Census 1870  Cleburne County, AL listed age 9 with Stepfather.
    Census 1880  Dekalb County, Alabama listed with wife and two children.
    Census 1910  Choctaw County, Oklahoma listed with wife and four children.
    Census 1920  Montague County, Texas listed with wife and 5 children
    Notes for Mary Frances Williams:
    Mary Frances “Fannie” Williams Jackson Higgins, is buried in the Jackson plots of Walker Chapel Cemetery, Ft. Payne, Alabama as Fannie Higgins indicating date of birth as May 20, 1863, however she was born in 1859 per US Federal Census of Carroll County, GA for 1870 indicated she was 11 years old.
    Further the US Federal Census of DeKalb County, Alabama for 1880 indicated she was 19 years old. The census 1870 states she was employed along with her mother and sisters at the Carroll County Cotton Gin at age 9 years. This following the death of her father in Florida in Feb 1864 as a PVT in the Georgia infantry of the Confederacy.  By the time of the 1880 Census for DeKalb County, Alabama Fannie was married to Millard Fillmore Jackson with two daughters, Julia age 3 and Sarah age 9 months (Nov 1879) Millard later went off to seek his fortune in Texas leaving Fannie and seven children. He was later reported by his mother to have been killed in Texas. As the story goes Fannie had a milk cow she was going to sell in order to ship his body back to Alabama, however his mother told Fannie NOT to sell the cow, that she would need it for the small children and that she would take care of the funeral arrangements in Texas and bury him there. He had, in fact, met and married another lady, Mattie Miller on 15 July, 1892 of Montague County, Texas and his first child of this married was born in 1896. It is said by descendents who remained in Dekalb County, Alabama that Fannie waited the required seven years to have Millard declared dead before marrying Joseph D. Higgins on 30 March 1896 so, Millard left before Maud was born in Jan of 1890. By the 1900 Census for Dekalb Co. Fannie was married to Joseph D. Higgins and living with them were five of Fannies surviving children. Unaccounted for are Julia and Sara. Since Fannie never left the Ft. Payne, Dekalb  County, Area it is logical to assume they are buried in one of the cemeteries in Ft. Payne. Joseph Higgins apparently adored Fannie and though he was only 33 years old at her death, he never remarried. He was buried in the family plot with Fannie at Walker’s Chapel In Ft. Payne, Alabama June 4, 1934.
    more to come on this story!
    More of Mary Frances Williams:
    Burial 15 October 1904, Walker’s Chapel, DeKalb Co, AL
    Cause of Death, unknown at this time.
    She was 54 yrs of age at the time of her death.
    More about Millard Jackson and Mary Williams
    Marriage about 1876, Ft Payne, DeKalb, Alabama
    More about Millard Jackson and Mattie Miller
    Marriage 15 July 1892, Montague County, Texas
    Children of Millard Jackson and Mary Williams are
    1..Julia Jackson born about 1877 in DeKalb Co, Alabama. She married unknown Evatt about 1895 in DeKalb County, Alabama. ____Evatt was born 1895 in DeKalb Co, AL.
    Julia Jackson Evatt is buried in the Jackson plots between Alfred Augustus Cagle, Della Van Jackson’s and John Robert Cagle’s son and Joseph D. Higgins, 2nd husband of Mary Frances Williams Jackson, the stepfather of Della Van Jackson. It is suspected that this is Julia Jackson, older sister of Della.  No other information appears. The Jackson plots are located at Walker’s Chapel Cemetery, outside Ft. Payne, DeKalb County, Alabama.
    More about Julia Jackson. 1880 census, DeKalb Co, AL she was with parents at age 3.
    ____Evatt and Julia Jackson married about 1895 in DeKalb, County Alabama.
    2.  Child of Millard Jackson and Mary Williams.
    Sarah Jackson  Born November 1879 in DeKalb County, Alabama. In the 1880 DeKalb Co Census she was listed with parents at age 6 months.
    3.  Child of Millard Jackson and Mary Williams
    Della Van Jackson, born 30 October 1883 in Ft. Payne, DeKalb, Alabama died 15 July 1982 in Pawhuska, Osage, Oklahoma. She married (1) Preston Rogers 28 June 1901 in Brandon, Dekalb, Alabama born in Ft. Payne, Dekalb, Alabama. She married (2) John Robert Cagle 1904 in Ft. Payne, DeKalb, Alabama born 28 October 1879 in Haralson County, Georgia, died May 29 1955 in Pawhuska, Osage, Oklahoma.
    Notes for Della Van Jackson
    Della is listed with her mother Mary F. (Fannie) Williams Jackson Higgins, her step father Joseph D. Higgins, her siblings Jesse M (May 1887), Laura (Feb 1889) and Maud (Jan 1890) on the 1900 US Fed Census for DeKalb Co, Alabama at lines 017 thru 022, page 97/98 Sheet 6A.
    More about Della Van Jackson
    Burial 17 July 1982, City Cemetery, Pawhuska, Osage, Oklahoma.
    Notes for Preston Rogers
    May be Joseph P. Rogers of DeKalb Co. Alabama
    More about Preston Rogers and Della Van Jackson
    Marriage 28 June 1901, Brandon, Dekalb Co, Alabama
    Notes for John Robert Cagle”
    It was thought by many in the family that John was born in the 1860’s, However the US Federal Census of Haralson County, GA for 1880 which was taken in April, lists him with his father Augustus and mother Sabra Anne, indicating Jasper Luther as 7 yrs old, Vastia Caroline as 4 years old and John Robert as 6 mos.
    Again the US Federal Census of DeKalb Co. for 1900, again lists him with his mother, sisters and brother, Jasper Luther, who was married by this time to Lucinda Dutton. This census shows him as single and 19 years old. Grandpa was born in a log cabin constructed by his father on the old Benjamin Franklin Cagle (ca) 1819 homestead which still stands along the highway in Haralson Co. Grandpa was a quiet man not known for idle chit-chat. He was about 5’7″ maybe 5’8″ in stocking feet and probably never weighed over 150 lbs. He had jet black hair as a young man and blue eyes that were so light in color that he appeared in black and white pictures, to have no eyes. His nature was rather stiff but, he spoke quietly, so quiet, in fact that he seemed to mumble. He never failed to say grace at meals, yet I never knew him to go to church. He wore an old felt hat, usually pulled down over his forehead to protect his hairless scalp. What he lacked in hair on his head , he made up for with hair under his nose in the form of a big bush mustache. He had the kind of face that Norman Rockwell would have loved to paint. We all loved him but cut him a wide swathe. He kept an old razor strop which I never seen him use but, it was always in plain view and served as a deterrent to would be trouble makers. I don’t think Grandpa liked me. Maybe, he did not like any of the grandkids, well, maybe Helen.
    The rest of us stayed just beyond reach, ready to take flight at any moment. Grandpa had a lame leg and could not run very fast which served as my salvation more than once. The old log cabin originally constructed by Benjamin, Grandpa’s grandfather and where the first three children of Augustus were born is still standing along Highway 100 at the 14 mile marker on the east side of the highway. It current is owned by the Mayor of Tallapoosa and is used by hunters. The walls appear to be about 14 inches thick and the logs are square 14×14. It has a nice stone fireplace and chimney.
    Benjamin and Parthena are buried about a mile from the cabin along the same highway.
    When Grandpa would get angry about something and go stomping off, Grandma would say, “that hard headed old German” so, I thought his mumbling was German, but it just turned out he was mumbling. Grandma said Grandpa always had an eye for the ladies, and wasn’t nearly as quiet when they were about the place, though I never saw any of this.  Could it be, Grandma was just jealous?  Grandpa and Grandma had a disagreement over the youngest daughter which resulted in them not sleeping with each other or speaking to each other for over 20 years. Finally, in their old age they releted and because quite affectionate.
    Grandpa had practically no education though, I think he could read a newspaper or maybe he just wanted us to think he could read. Grandpa was a farmer and part-time railroad worker. He seemed to make anything grow. He always had the best looking flower beds and vegetable garden in town. When Grandpa bought his place, it was in the country but, the town grew up around him. Until shortly before his death, he still had his cows, pigs, chickens, geese and vegetable garden. We moved in on one corner of his property and built a house. However Grandpa retained title to the land. As far as I know, Dad never paid Grandpa anything for the use of the land. This might be why Grandpa did not seem to like Dad much. Grandpa was a hard worker and continued working until shortly before his death. I could probably write a book about Grandpa, yet when I think about him, I don’t think I really knew him and that was to bad.
    Burial for John Cagle was 31 May 1955, City Cemetery, Pawhuska, Osage, Oklahoma.

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    Published on December 25, 2009 · Filed under: Alfred Jackson Notes, Uncategorized;

6 Responses to “Descendants of Alfred Jackson.”

  1. Yvonna Jackson Miller said on

    I am a decendent also of Millard Jackson. I have a picture of Aunt Della that my Dad gave me years ago. My grandfather was James Alfred Jackson of Fort Payne.I would be happy to share any pics or info I have with you. My sister has done a lot of research too. Your post was very interesting and informative!

  2. Lisa Lewis said on

    Would love to know more about the parents and grandparents of both Milliard F. Jackson and Fannie Williams…I am the granddaughter of Jesse F. Jackson, who died in Pawhuska, OK in the late 60’s. I am happy to share anything that I know..

  3. Lisa Lewis said on

    Yvonna Jackson Miller…you can reach me at

  4. Yvonna Jackson Miller said on

    I just sent you some pictures to your email, Lisa. Thanks for getting in touch!

  5. Iam the granddaughter of John Robert Cagle and Della Van Jackson iam so excited to know my family!!! My dad was Leonard Jasper Cagle
    and I stayed with my grandma Della in the summer in Pawhuska Ok please if you have any pictures I would love to see them and also my daddy had black hair and blue eyes. Thank you so very much kind sir as any information would be much appreciated. Sincerely Linda Sue Cagle

  6. I am glad to hear from you. my email is please contact me.. THANKS.

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