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  • Lilly Information

    I have been going through boxes full of miscellanous genealogy. Today I found a Priority envelope full. It was dated 2004. I am going to share some of the info here just hoping someone will see the information and maybe can help me out with this side of my family.

    I have a letter from Mrs. Patrick E. Lilly, Athens, GA  dated November 9, 1978.  The letter was addressed to A Dr. Mike Lilly, Irondale, AL  I have googled the address to see if anyone by that name is still living. So far no information.

    November 8, 1878

    Dear Dr. Lilly,

    I enjoyed talking to you and I hope you have been able to find the dates of birth and death of Edward Lilly (Edward is my Gr Gr Gr Grandfather. I have his birth and death date) as he came here from Ireland, perhaps their County records would have his date of birth. My husband, Patrick Lilly, told me his Great Grandfather was from County Cork and had been apprenticed as a stone mason. He came to America to join the gold rush, arriving in Miami, then traveled by horseback north to Athens and stopped for a drink of water at a well where a young lady was drawing a bucket of water.He delayed long enough to marry and was off to the gold fields. He stayed for a couple of years and had found gold of which he was robbed on his return trip. A boy had been born during his absence. He stayed in Athens for a short while and returned to California for two or three yeas. He again found gold and returned to Athens to buy a farm that was located in the place now known as Five-Points.

    Enclosed is a picture of Robert and Virginia Lilly, my husbands grandparents, and a copy of Robert Obituary notice from the Athens newspaper. I went to the First Christian Church where Robert and other Lilly’s had been members thinking a record might include Robert’s parents, but their records were practically remembered for his very Irish brogue.

    I hope this small amount of information will be of some assistance.

    Good Luck,


    Laura B. Lilly

    (Mrs. Patrick E. Lilly)

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