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  • Samuel Gray Bible


    In possession of Mrs. William Medearis Smith, 106 W. Washington St., Fayetteville, Tenn.

    Publisher: Mathew Carey Philadelphia  October 27th 1802

    Copied by Mabel Abbott Tucker, Tommie Lauderdale Smith

    (On page 592-The End of the Prophets)

    The Sone of Francis Smith


    William M. Smith was bornd in the year of our lord July the 10 1813

    John H Smith was bornd December the 12 – 1814

    Sary Smith was bornd January the 30 – 1817

    Austin G. Smith was Bornd December the 25-1818

    (The end of the Apocrypha-the following is written.)

    Samuels Grays  Book Bornd Aprile 22 1752



    Austin Gray was bornd in the year of our lord febuary the 10 1788

    Poley Gray his wife was Bornd April the 22 1792 and was marred November the _____ 30 1815

    Darkis B Gray was bornd the 26 of December 1816

    Margery Gray was marred October the 8 1817

    Saray Gray was marred the 8 of January 1818


    Martain Gray was bornd January the 6 – 1795

    Poley his wife was bornd January the 15 1815

    Martain Gray was marred the 27 of August 1816

    Elizebeth Gray was bornd June the 7 1817

    Bible of Samuel Gray continued

    James C Gray was borndin the year of our lord the December the 26 1818

    Saley G Gray was bornd March the 16 1821


    Mary Gray was born September 19th 1774

    Margery Gray was born December the 12th 1776

    Elisabeth Gray was born December 24th 1779

    Frances Gray was born September 5th 1782

    Austin Gray was born February 10 1789

    Salley Gray was born March 13th 1791

    Martin Gray was born January 6th 1795

    Dopson deacon was bornd May the 10 1808


    Dorkis B Gray was bornd December 26 – 1816

    Elisa B Gray was bornd Aprile 2 – 1819

    Fanny B Gray was born in the year of our Lord October the 18 1820

    Thomas C Gray was bornd August the 24 1822

    Mary An Gray was born May the May 22 1824

    Enos h Gray was bornd May the 24 – 1826

    N.A klin Gray March 20 1828

    Rachel Gray bornd febary the 20 1831

    Saley Gray was bornd June 16 1833

    Eesebeth Gray was bornd May 25 1835


    Rachel Cheshur was Born September 3the 1801

    Samuel Cheshur was  Born August 12th 1803

    A Love Rey milkees Gray was born May the 21 1812

    Nancy Cheser was bornd febuary the 15 1813

    Margery Melinda Cheser was Bornd April the – 18: 1817

    Mathew Cheser Privit was bornd August 14 1834


    the age of James Meeks Sons James C Meek was borned in the Year of our lord November the 10 18 18

    R (or)Machel     24

    James Blackwell was Bornd the 6 of November 186_ 


    May frost 1774

    Mary Chesser-Eldest Daughter of Samuel & Rachel Gray Departed this life March 18th 1847 in her Seventy third year-

    Marge Meeks Deceased on the 21 of December 1847 and was buried on the 1 of January 1848 Samuel Gray died on the 23 of March 1837 Aged 85 if he had lived to the 24 of April 1837

    (Writing in front & back of this old Bible is so faded it cannot be read.)

    (Photograph of ladies-faded-on back is printed)

    L.B. Wiley, Photographer, Fayetteville, Tenn.

    Bible of Samuel Gray continued

    Funeral Notice

    The Friends & Acquaintance of Mr. F.R. Moorhead are requested to attend  the funeral of his wife to-morrow morning at 9:30 o’clock. Services at the residence by Elder T.C. Little, Burial at Rose Hill Cemetery. May 8 1883

    Funeral Notice

    The Funeral of James Charles, infant son of Gen. Robert & Mrs. S. A. Farquharson, will take place on Saturday, Nov. 6 1869, at 9 o’clock AM. Funeral service at the residence, by Rev. James Watson.

    Funeral Notice

    The Friends & Acquaintance of James R. Shelton are invited to attend the Funeral of his Wife-Mrs. Mary V. Shelton-from his residence this evening at 2 o’clock.  Service by Elder Randolph or Rev. Mr. Gray. Burial at Rose Hill Cemetery. Sunday, September 24, 1871


    Lincoln County Tennessee Bible Records, Vol. 5, page 52-54,

    compiled by Mabel Abbott Tucker and Jane Warren Waller

    Note from book: An underlined letter, word or date indicates it was impossible to read with complete accuracy.

    Post to Twitter

    Published on May 29, 2014 · Filed under: Gray Family, Samuel Gray Bible;

6 Responses to “Samuel Gray Bible”

  1. Rene Rasul said on

    Mother: Lois Vermell Fair Williams
    Grandfather: John Fair (m. to Nancy Ann Blankenbeckler)
    G Grandfather: Jeremiah Fair (m. to Eliza Jane Dryman)
    GG Grandfather: John Riley Fair married to Janetta (Jeanetta?) Scales (we have always been told her mother (my GGG Grandmother) was Rachel Scales Gray
    Is Rachel Scales Gray in this article finally the GGG Grandmother we (and MANY) others have been searching for?? I have read through thousands of posts on many websites where people are asking about Rachel, Janetta’s mother and who her husband was.

  2. Rene Rasul said on

    Is there a way to see Samuel Gray’s bible?? What other info can I get?

  3. Rene Rasul said on

    I would welcome ANY information I can get on Rachel, her husband, children, any genealogy as this has been a major roadblock for many people since at least 1999 (from posts I’ve read). We couldn’t find her anywhere, until i stumbled inr=to the tonight and came up with this lead. Pictures would be wonderful!

  4. DONNA CLOUGH said on

    Hello. I ditto what Rene Rasul said. I have been looking for years to get more information on Janetta Scales. She is my gggrandmother. My grandmother was Hardy Fair’s next to youngest child, Cora Mae Fair. Hardy Fair was the youngest of John Riley Fair and Janetta Scales. I even went to Rockingham, NC this summer hoping to find a lead. As it turns out I didn’t have enough information with me. Any information would be so appreciated. I was told by another one who was seeking the same info, that she came across a person who had the information but was told not to share it. Come on…we’re all family and should be entitled to our genealogy. I’m willing to share whatever I find.

  5. Donna Willis said on

    I too have been looking many years, my great grandfather was J eremiah Fair /wife Elza Jane Dryman. My grandmother was Savannah PRUETT who married Arthur Fred Smith. Iam looking for the Smiths also. I have Jennettas kids that she had with John R iley Fair. Please contact me if this is the same families and if you have any info on the smith family.

  6. Looking for more information about John Riley Fair & Jennetta Scales and their families.

    I heard about Cherokee, but was wondering about Melungeons who were tri-racial. My sister did 23 and me and it showed some sub-saharan african and some native american with the majority of European.

    My maternal grandmother Mary Ethel Fair Larson
    was the daughter of William Robert Fair and
    Lula Belle Pierce Fair Barlow.

    William Robert Fair is the son of
    Samuel Fair & Martha Ellen Fry.

    Samuel Fair was the son of
    John Riley Fair & Jennetta Scales.

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